November 28, 2010

Many apologies for the delay in posting last week’s set. This is by no means an indication of the amazing time of worship that we experienced, or the quality of visuals we used. In addition to the great set this week, including a couple of my new favorites: the song ‘With Everything’ and a Visual Liturgy piece from Colossians 1, we celebrated Communion and used some amazing footage from the talented Jason Satterlund at Big Puddle Films and a passage of Scripture from Thomas Nelson’s new translation ‘The Voice.’


  • Unfortunately, the Nature Loop I used for this song is not currently available, but it uses time-lapse shots of sunrises, sunsets, clouds, canyons, and rivers. I’ll try to avoid this as much as possible in the future.


  • Verses: Confessional Vibe (Non-Titled) (Highway Video) - Blurred footage of a man praying in church. “Here I am. Humbled by your majesty. Covered by your grace so free. Here I am. Knowing I’m a sinful man. Covered by the blood of the Lamb…”
  • Chorus Option A: Crucifix Frames Loop (The Work of the People) - Various framed pictures of Christ on the Cross, including some hands and feet images, are displayed on a surface covered with tealight candles.
  • Chorus Option B: Cross Montage 2 Loop (The Work of the People) - This clip features outdoor footage of stone crosses and the crucifix.
  • Ending/ Down-Chorus: Declaration Vibe (Non-Titled) (Highway Video) - Dark footage of candlelit parchment. The handwriting on the parchment, which you can barely decipher, and the titled version of this clip features text from Psalm 63.


NOTE: As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we’re only doing about half of the original tune, including the first two verses, chorus and bridge, but it ends up being a powerful 6-7 minute piece.

  • Intro & Chorus: Declaration Vibe (Non-Titled) (Highway Video) - This is a continuation of the clip we used to finish out the previous tune, since they run together so well.
  • Verses & Chorus: Armor of God Loop (The Work of the People) - This clip features dark sepia-toned still images of crosses, people and nature. “Open our eyes…to be Your church…Your light to be seen.”
  • Break before quiet Bridge: Psalm 121 (The Work of the People) - Using the first 10sec of this visual liturgy, and smoothly restarting it as needed visually poses the question from Psalm 121:1 “I lift my eyes up to the hills, from where will my help come?”
  • Quiet Bridge: Psalm 121 Loop (The Work of the People) - This loop keeps the visual harmony between the Psalm 121 question, and a quiet, thoughtful response “with everything we will shout for Your glory, with everything we will shout forth Your praise”. While starting softly, the music continues to build underneath the bridge with an impending explosion of energy going into the next musical break.
  • Break after Bridge:Jesus Holds It All Together (The Work of the People) - This powerful visual liturgy piece comes from The Message translation of Colossians 1:15-29. At this point, the band is singing to ‘wooahs’ and lyrics from the bridge are used on-screen, one line at a time, as needed. Once again, good communication between the visual worship leader and the musical worship leader is key, in order to keep from interrupting the reading of God’s Word at an awkward moment during this time. With longer pieces like this, it’s usually a good idea to either work through these things in rehearsal or in a production meeting earlier in the week, just to give the stage team a heads-up so they can plan accordingly. NOTE: Currently the available video has a misspelling around the 1:21 mark. I’ve re-edited the video to cover this entire screen of text until the corrected piece is officially uploaded.


We used this song during Communion this week, hence the use of those visual themes. Also, the visuals used during this song are all from a Big Puddle Films volume called ‘Droplets Volume 3: Communion’ and feature a beautiful, multi-cultural picture of Communion being served at a long candlelit table. I can’t currently find a site that includes the volume for sale as 1 piece, but if you can find it, leave me a note after you purchase it, and let us know where it can be found.

  • Verse 1: Bread (Big Puddle Films) - A single-scene loop of flatbread on a candlelit table.
  • Chorus 1: Bread Edit (Big Puddle Films) - Footage of bread being passed, broken and eaten at a long table of people. This shot made use of a jib crane, so the overhead and side footage is wonderful!
  • Verse 2: Wine (Big Puddle Films) - A single-scene loop of the wine cup on a candlelit table.
  • Chorus 2: Wine Edit (Big Puddle Films) - Footage of wine being passed, poured and drunk at a long table of people. Again, this shot uses the jib crane.
  • Bridge:Bread & Wine (Big Puddle Films) - A single-scene loop of the bread and cup at a candlelit table/
  • Interlude & Ending: Water to Wine Loop (Big Puddle Films) - Footage of wine being poured, which turns into water, which turns back to wine. Since this was used toward the end of the song during a musical interlude, I created my own visual liturgy with text from The Voice translation of 1Corinthians 11:26, “Every time you taste the sweetness of this bread, and every time you place the cup to your mouths and drink, you are declaring the Lord’s death, which is the ultimate expression of His faithfulness and love. Until He comes again, keep this memorial.”

October 31, 2010

As a visual worship leader, I’m continually asked about what footage I use during a set, and specifically why some of the clips have been chosen. In addition, now that we’re beginning to use much more scripture during the set, (thanks in large part to Travis Reed and the brilliance behind the Visual Liturgy series over we’re now asked about the Bible references of clips used during the set. This weekend was an incredible time at @rhcc, with mad props to @chadjarnagin@LanaeHale and @SKafoure, and the amazing band.


  • Natural Vibe (Non-Titled) (Highway Video) - While the constant change of scenery and tempo of this video allows it to be used without much tweaking, I did find it necessary to jump around to other portions of the video to enhance big musical moments in the song.


  • Calibrate (No Text) (worshipVJ) - I started this clip somewhere between 3 and 4 minutes in, which gave a couple of extra minutes of footage by the time this song ended. Since this tune and the next flowed right into one another, I continued to let this roll into the next song.


NOTE: Since we started using this song a couple of weeks ago, we’ve only used the first 2 verses, chorus and bridge, which does leave out some portions of the song, but leaves a nice 6-7 minute tune with lots of space to play.

  • Intro & Chorus: Calibrate (No Text) (worshipVJ) - This clip is a continuation from the last tune. The imagery toward the end of this video uses a candle-lit closeup of the cross. ‘let hope rise and darkness tremble in Your holy light, that every eye would see Jesus our God…’.
  • Verses & Chorus: Rain Vibe (Non-Titled) (Highway Video) - Dark, rainy footage with some nice light filters captures the quietness of this bit of the song. ‘open our eyes…to be the church…Your light to be seen’
  • Break before quiet Bridge: Psalm 121 (TWOTP) - Using the first 10sec of this visual liturgy, and smoothly restarting it as needed poses a question arising from the earlier verses, from Psalm 121:1 ‘I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where will my help come?’ 
  • Quiet Bridge: Psalm 121 Loop (TWOTP) - This loop keeps the visual harmony between the Psalm 121 question, and a quiet, thoughtful response ‘with everything we will shout for Your glory’. While starting softly, the music continues to build underneath the bridge, an impending explosion of energy going into the next musical break.
  • Break after BridgeRestored Fortune (TWOTP) - Upon the explosion of sound arising from the bridge, this Visual Liturgy from Zephaniah 3 calls us to‘Sing…shout…rejoice…for the LORD has turned back your enemies…takes great delight in you…rejoices over you with singing…’ At this point, the band is singing the ‘wooahs’ and lyrics from the bridge are used one line at a time, if needed. Good communication between the visual worship leader and musical worship leader is key at these times, to keep us both dancing together without stepping on one another’s toes (ie - dumping out of this huge moment before the scripture has ended, or at an awkward moment)
  • Quiet Ending: Blurred Colored Candles (Highway Video) - Since this loop is only 15sec long and isn’t a smooth loop, care needs to be taken in order to continually restart this video to dissolve into itself before a hard-restart. As the song comes in for a quiet landing, this clip of small lights brings us full-circle to themes of hope rising and light coming from the darkness.


  • Verse 1: Majesty Vibe (Non-Titled) (Highway Video) - This video starts off with clips of sunrises and sunsets, as well as 2 great shots of the sun arching down and out of frame, crossed with the moon arching up and out of frame. ‘You give me the food I need to live through the day…’ NOTE: The version of this video I use has been slowed down between 25-35% and also has been edited to exlude a brief clip of a fetus (Great visual for the original purpose of this video, not awesome for random VJing.)
  • Verse 2a: Genesis 9 Loop (TWOTP) starting at 2:16 - Beautiful slo-mo shot of a hummingbird feeding at a flower. ‘I walk to the meadow, the birds are composing…’ NOTE: I know that MOST hummingbirds don’t sing, but it’s a beautiful clip.
  • Verse 2b:  Genesis 9 Loop (TWOTP) starting at 1:42 - Slo-mo shot of raindrops hitting flowers. ‘I stare at the flowers, better dressed than any girl on her wedding day…’  By the time the pre-chorus rolls around, the shot moves back into foreboding clouds. ‘why do i worry?…’
  • Chorus: Skies Vibe (Highway Video) starting at 1:48 - Arial fly-over shots and moving clouds bring a happy and moving visual to this chorus. Jump around throughout this video as needed. NOTE: I edited a couple of shots out of this video, namely someone holding a baby in the air. Personal preference.
  • Verse 3: Road Trip (TWOTP) Footage taken while driving along country highways provide a backdrop for the now-driving beat and themes of this verse. ‘The Kingdom of the heavens is now advancing. Invade my heart, invade this broken town…’
  • Chorus: Skies Vibe (Highway Video) starting at 1:48 - Arial fly-over shots and moving clouds bring a happy and moving visual to this chorus. Jump around throughout this video as needed. NOTE: I edited a couple of shots out of this video, namely someone holding a baby in the air. Personal preference.
  • Bridge: God Is Near Vibe (Non-Titled) (Highway) starting at 3:30 - This fast-paced footage of nature, skies, people, animals (yes, the hummingbird shows up) and assorted other goodies harmonizes perfectly with the loud, driving bridge that is the raddest use of the Lord’s Prayer ever ‘Our God in heaven, hallowed be Thy name above all names. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us weary sinners. Keep us far from our vices and deliver us from these prisons.’
  • End:  Majesty Vibe (Non-Titled) (Highway Video) - starting about 3/4 the way through this video. The slow-moving footage of stars, water, skies and other natural elements brings a softness to the experience, as the song begins to float and come in for a landing. NOTE: This is still the version of this video that’s been slowed down 25-35%.